english english お問い合わせ

◆ Crime Prevention
・Crime Prevention Strategies and Community Participation in England and Wales Tadashi Moriyama
・Fear of Crime and Crime Prevention: from The Third Survey of The Public Consciousness about Fear of Crime Masami Yajima
・The Implementation of the “Action Plan for the Realizaition of a Society Resistant to Crime 2008” Kiyoshi kawai
◆ Juvenile and Aqed People's Deliguency
・A Consideration on The Question of which is better,in a Juvenile Welfare Home or in a Reformatory,to treat the Juvenile Delinquent under Fourteen Masaoki Ishikawa
・Recent Trends in Elderly Offenders and Its Countermeasures in Japan Tatsuya Ota
◆ Criminal Procedures
・Interrogation of the Suspect Toshihiro kawaide
・Detentions of American Citizens under “War on Terrorism” and Due Process of Law Rintaro Yamanaka
◆ Police Administration
・Evaluating Plans to Prevent Crime on Street Kuniaki Tanabe
・Application Process of Penal Provisions in Japanese Administrative Laws Ko Shikata
・Measures at the Police against Information Leaking Masashi Ono
・The Role of Police in the Academy Koichi Kurokawa